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    Thursday, November 24, 2016


    Remove the planks to open up the passageway'. As puzzles go, it's not really one that gets your pulse racing is it? That's likely why Playdead make you do it while fleeing a pack of rabid dogs in Inside. Building on the macabre atmosphere of Limbo, this puzzle platformer makes the decades-old model of running from left to right in two dimensions feel like the freshest thing in years. It's often terrifying, tenser than realising you forgot to clear your search history before lending someone your laptop, and occasionally so brilliant you just want to drop the controller and applaud. It's final thirty minutes in particular are so inspired, they risk overshadowing the perfectly paced four hours that preceded it. If we're due a game of this quality from them every five years, then here's hoping Playdead never discover what happiness is.  

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